Category: Uncategorized

Category: Uncategorized

May 13, 2021 Uncategorized Karen.eoap

I discovered these two wonderful gentlemen Tommy Woodard and Eddie James on YouTube. They are called the Skit Guys and I was blown away at how the title and content of this skit called; “Baggage” embodied so much of what “The Baggage Handler” Christian Counseling and Coaching is all about. I contacted them and theyRead More

April 26, 2021 Uncategorized Karen.eoap

Hello again and thanks for visiting my site. I would like to thank the “Pointer” family for trusting me with their most precious gift; their little girl. This post proves that even the little ones may need a little coaching sometimes. Some adults don’t realize that children have anxiety and insecurities also. I commend themRead More

Hello world!
March 27, 2021 Uncategorized Karen.eoap

Welcome to the Baggage Handler Christian Counseling Service Let us check your emotional baggage, so you can lighten your load for life’s journey. Be sure to book your appointment right away and get started on improving your quality of life. PricingRead More